
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Look what my dear hubby did for me!

My husband put together a couple of furniture for my little craft corner over the weekend. We did it together and believe me, it was a challenge assembling them in our limited floor space. We bought these a couple of weeks ago from Ikea. They were my Christmas gifts and were on sale! But, we've all been busy lately. I really didn't expect we'd be able to put them together before we leave for the US. But, my dear hubby surprised me when he said he was putting them together yesterday! Well, here is my little crafty corner.

I store items I don't use often, like my laminator and Cricut, in the bottom two shelves, so they usually stay close even when I'm working. My big paper cutter is on top of my washing machine on the other side of the curtain.

My desk usually doesn't look this neat . I know it looks cramped, but I love that everything is within reach. It's just perfect for me.

These poppies are actually stickers and were also purchased from IKEA. Aren't they cute?

And look how much I can fit in these drawers? I didn't open all of them. One has all the stamps I use often. And one drawer has my smaller paper stacks and some tools. This piece has wheels so I can move it around if I need anything from the two lower shelves. I make close to 400 cards a year from this little spot.

I'm a happy wife and it's a blessed life! God is good.

Your next stop, if you're touring Joni's craft space blog hop, is MARTHA.

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  1. Your little nook looks perfect ! Lots of natural light too. Love those poppies !

  2. Great space, Nina!! Love the those drawers and poppies!!

  3. That is a great craft room! I love the poppies on the chest of drawers. I love IKEA - New Mexico does not have one - sad. I used to live in California and could get to one in minutes! I miss it!

  4. What a charm of a craft room & yes I too am loving the poppies. Very nicely done.

  5. I love your craft area! I need to do something like this!

  6. I think your crafting space is just great - you can as you say get to everything from your desk which means you get to work faster. Your husband did a great job for you, you are indeed blessed.

  7. This is a beautiful space, Nina!! My space is the same size, but I think you'd die if you saw how messy it is! I need to be more grateful for the space I do have instead of always wishing for more room. God is indeed good, and I have been unbelievably blessed! I'd do well to remember that!

  8. Your husband is wonderful , Your crafting space delicious ,the poppies are gorgeous And yes. God is good indeed.
    Thanks for sharing your space. It was nice to see where you create all your marvelous projects .

    Happy day wishes to you Nina!


  9. Great Space! You are a card making machine! Yowza that's a lot of cards per year!

  10. Great way to get the most from your space! I really like the rolling drawers, and the poppy stickers add some cool zest!


  11. Oh Nina! Thank you so much for joining our craft room tour. I will offically post this on the 30th along with the others. I love your space and was so happy to see the cramped table. ;) I too work better when everything is accesible and in arm's reach. When it's too far away I end up not using them. :D
    Love those poppies - I need to know where you got them!! They are sooo happy and would work well with some framed prints that I have! Thanks again, hope you are enjoying GA!

  12. I love your space! And those poppies are beautiful.

  13. What a gorgeous little space, How great you have a husband that supports your craft.

  14. Wonderful space Nina! I love how organized it is and that you were able to get a small space to work so well. TFS

  15. what a sweet hubby you have!! Your space is awesome. I like how everything is so accessible to you as you sit at your desk!

  16. I love that rolling cart with the wide drawers, and the poppies are awesome! Thanks for sharing your space!

  17. Wow fantastic room and so organized,thanks for the inspiration.
    Hugs Linda

  18. I can't decide what's my favorite - the big, wide drawers or those poppies. Your space is terrific! I have to get back to IKEA!!

  19. I like your craft space! So cozy!


Thank you for your kind comments.