
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stamp Something Challenge

For this week's Stamp Something Challenge, CASE a card from one of their leaving DTs cards. This week, they're featuring Cindy. So, now they're looking for new DTs. Hop on over to their blog to find out more info. One of these days, I'd like to try out for these design team calls.

I decided to CASE this card. I flipped her sketch upside down.

The verse was printed on the computer.

Supplies: Stamps (Guidelines by PTI), ink (Basic Brown, Close to Cocoa), Papers (Chocolate Chip, Cream, Amer Tradition Serendipity collection), ribbon and button.

post signature


  1. I like your choice of colour Nina and I'm glad to hear others who turn to the computer for sentiments!

  2. Oh you did a great job on this Nina! I love your blog too! You are sooo talented! Thanks for visiting my blog and Women to Women! I love all your personal designs... that flower one post down is gorgeous! You should become an illustrator for some company!!! It's go good to see faithful followers of Christ sharing their talents in this way!

  3. Oops... I see now you already do have some stamp designs coming! I'm so happy for you! You are so talented! God bless!

  4. Tis a beautiful card Nine, wonderful colour combination.

    Brenda x

  5. oh..i just love those colors..what a beautiful card nina..and nice touch with the scallops!



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