
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Favorite Vacation

Gina issued the GinaK Designs DT a challenge to create a card inspired by a favorite summer memory. Hands down, my favorite summer vacation was 2 years ago when my whole family spent 2 weeks exploring Israel with many of our dear friends. It was an experience we will never forget. A friend told me that visiting Israel would change the way I would read my Bible from black and white to full color. She was so right. That experience just brought more meaning to the stories and lessons I read in the pages of Scripture.

Let me give you a short tour of that life-changing trip. First pic is with me and my DH showing the Temple Mount view from the Mt. of Olives.

This is the Sea of Galilee at sunset.

My girls thought it was very interesting to stand where David bravely faced and defeated Goliath. Of course, they had to gather some smooth stones like David did for souvenirs. (In case you're wondering, my youngest stayed in the hotel with some friends the whole time because she was too young to endure the high temps outside).

This was inside the Mt. Sepulcher church in Jerusalem.

This is Qumran where a shepherd boy discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Finally, my favorite photo from this trip. The road we're walking on in this picture was literally the road where Jesus walked because it's the road that leads to the Temple.
Here are my cards using my latest sets, Fine Furnishings and Fine Furnishings Additions. I followed the color scheme of the many places we saw: yellow (or gold), black and Kraft. The music background is from the Vintage Borders set. The elegant sentiment is from Elegant Post. I used Wild Dandelion for my card base. I also used the Spellbinders Fancy Tags for an added elegance.

Here is a simpler card with the classic chandelier and couch image from Fine Furnishings.

For all the specific details on how to enter your card in Gina's Design Team challenge, please visit GinaK's blog. Then, stop by these participating GinaK Design Team members' blogs for their projects for tonight's hop:
Finally, I have to share this interesting photo. Because everything's kosher, the meat and dairy are served from two different counters at a McDonald's in Jerusalem. It's amazing how the hamburger and fries taste the same no matter where it's located in the world. I hope you enjoyed my mini-virtual tour of my favorite vacation.



  1. Nina, what a rare and unique vacation for sure!! How wonderful that you had the opportunity to go there and experience that, and your children too!! My parents have taken the Holy Lands trip too many years ago. Thanks for sharing your photos--it's almost like we were there too =) Lovely cards inspired by the colors.

  2. Yes, what an awesome trip that had to be! It's a dream of mine to do that one day! LOVE your cards you created, wonderful use of that chandelier!!

  3. thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of your vacation! beautiful cards inspired by your trip! love them!

  4. Thanks for sharing such wonderful memories and photos with all of us. It is nice to read all the facts from you and your trip.

    Both cards are just lovely Nina! I think this is an amazing set. :)

  5. What neat photos...thanks sooo much for sharing. Love your cards too!

  6. What an awesome trip, Nina!! One day I hope to be able to do the same. I can't imagine walking on the same street as Jesus...I think I would just be overcome with every possible emotion.

    Your cards are fabulous too!! I got your set for an upcoming sponsorship...and I can't wait to use them!


  7. Very interesting photos! I am now on my to tell a Christian friend to come take a look! TFS!!

  8. Wow, sounds like a life-changing trip. Love the photos and your beautiful cards!

  9. Love your cards and thanks for showing the photos. I live there and me like you, have a very special feeling walking on that Temple road.
    There is just something awesome about that place.

  10. Would love to visit where my Saviour walked and preached. Love your cards. The chandelier embossing makes the card more elegant.

  11. Thanks for posting the photos of your trip to Israel. You have a beautiful family.

  12. what an awesome trip ... how I would love to do that! your cards are always a joy to see! thanks for sharing.

  13. Loved this post! I haven't had the opportunity to go to Israel but can image how amazing it would be! Great inspiration!

  14. WOW---I would love to go to Israel! I LOOOOOOVE that pic of the Sea of Galilee. Beautiful:) Cute family pics too! How fun:)

    LOOOOOOOOOVE your cards--however, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first one! I am totally marking that under FAVS:) I love everything you make! You are AMAZING:) Have a great day!! LOVE, Sav

  15. Great post. loved seeing your Jerusalem pics. Beautiful cards....i adore that chandelier!

  16. Wow! Love all the wonderful photos. Beautiful cards!

  17. Nina, you have done what I have always dreamed of doing. Thank you for sharing that awesome vacation with us. And as always, your cards are gorgeous.

  18. Nina...wonderful pictures and your family is so beatiful!!!


    Kisses from Brazil!

  19. Amazing photos of your trip, Nina! Both of your cards are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your vacation memories with us!

  20. This was a vacation of a life time -- thank you for sharing the special places we read about in the Bible - Of your cards the couch and chandelier are my favorite! Love the warm cozy feel of the colors!

  21. Oh how beautiful, Nina! I spent a summer in Israel when I was in college - and it definitely was a trip of a lifetime for me. Loved the photos and your cards!

  22. What an amazing adventure! Thanks for the photos, the McD is neat, never would have thought of that, lol. Your cards are sweet, love how the chandelier hangs from the ribbon and button!

  23. What a wonderful trip! Thank you for sharing! I've always dreamed of going to Israel... maybe someday.

  24. Nina,
    Thanks for sharing your trip of a lifetime. I can;t image walking where Jesus did.
    I love your cards they make me want to come for a visit and sit on the sofa.

  25. Love the pictures of your trip to Israel. What an unforgettable experience that was....It really gives greater insight into Biblical references when you see it with your own eyes. Would love to see it myself, maybe one day.
    Your cards are just beautiful and LOVE the chandelier one..and nice comfy couch on the second card. Great job :o)

  26. Fascinating, Nina! Wow, what a journey back in time! My hubby wants to do that trip so much. Thank you for sharing some of your amazing experiences there. So wonderful!

    I love these cards! I like how the chandeliers are hanging from the ribbon, what a pretty touch!

  27. Wow, what amazing photos Nina. I bet that was the trip of a lifetime.

  28. Fabulous cards, and love the pictures of Israel.


Thank you for your kind comments.