
Monday, November 21, 2011

LOC Tea Party Blog Hop

The Layers of Color design team is having this blog hop in celebration of the release of Spellbinders newest die templates, Decorative Dress Forms, (designed by Laura Campbell and yours truly) and Nested Tea Cups, (designed by Laura Campbell)! Layers of Color will be offering both these new dies February 1, 2012, or you can purchase them now through Crafters Home participating stores.

If you're following the hop and came here from Melisa's blog, then you're at the right spot. The full list of participants is below.

Here is my card using the Nested Tea cups and Teacup Blessings clear art stamps set. The papers are Melissa Frances.
Cup Runneth Over
Here is a close up of the teacup die. It's just lovely, isn't it?
Cup Runneth Over Detail 
I added a die cut decorative strip from the Spellbinders Ironworks Motifs dies, which I also designed. It just reflects my style :). A little flower in the center finishes the card.
Cup Runneth Over Detail2

As a gift for participating in our hop, feel free to take for yourself to these lovely tea-inspired FREE TEMPLATES exclusively from Layers of Color!...
 Paper Tea Cup and Saucer, designed by Laura Kirste Campbell
Layers of Color has wonderful tea-inspired art stamps to go with your tea cup projects! You may need sweet sentiments and verses, a spoonful of honey with Teacup Blessings, and of course some flowers and lace doilies to decorate the table! We'd love to see what you do with these unique templates and art stamps! Please share your delicious creations on Layers of Color Facebook page!

Your next and final stop is the ever talented Savannah! Here is the full list of the LOC team showing their tea party creations for you today:


  1. Nina! Nina! Nina! What are you doing to me my friend - this is gorgeous, I love the patterned cup and the divine DP - these colours are so pretty and perfect for this card! Thank you Nina - you are a blessing! {{{hugs}}}

  2. Very soft and pretty. Love the layers of pretty papers, the stitching, the flower, the ribbon, the flourish....put together it is divine!

  3. Beautiful, Nina!! LOVE your style, my friend!!

  4. This is so pretty Nina! I love the added detail of the Ironworks Motif die under the's amazing...yet another die to add to the list! LOL The colors are GREAT too!

  5. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 4 post on Nov. 21, 2011. Thanks again.

  6. Beautiful card, Nina! Your color combos always inspire me to stretch my comfort zone!

  7. Beautiful as always, Nina! We had similar thoughts using "Teacup Blessings" for our sentiment! :)

  8. Very beautiful Nina!!! Great combination of colors, patterns, texture...what a wonderful card!

  9. Hello Nina...this is so pretty!!!! I love your new stamp set....these are prefect sentiments....tfs

  10. Nina, I can always expect to be wow'd by your work! And this time - was no different! Love your card, colors, accents and embellies. The antiqued ribbon is the perfect finishing touch. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh Nina... this is a lovely, lovely card. Soothing colors and textures... just what a nice cup of tea should be! Hugs to you!

  12. This is so pretty. Love the paper rose.

  13. beautiful, what a sweet cup of tea. love the layout.

  14. Ah, richly elegant and feminine! A beauty!

    Lovely having tea with you today my friend!

  15. This is a gprgeous card with the beautiful teacup. Thanks for the tempplate.
    Beautiful layout.
    Lovely greet

  16. Love the card and thanks for the template.

  17. The cup is so pretty, love it.

  18. I love your style which I think is why I always love the die templates that you design so very much!

  19. I love visiting your blog, Nina, and this beautiful card is divine. The wee flower on the cut out is fabulous.

  20. OH MY Gosh, Nina! I thought I had made something pretty for today's hop--but WOOOOOOOW! This is soooo beautiful! LOVE the vintage shabby feel--love your stitching--LOVE all the details! You amaze me!! Great job!!!

  21. Hello and Thank you for this teacup and saucer...

  22. Beautiful card, Nina! You always inspire me to try something new! Thank you for that too! Congrats on your newest Spellbinder design! Hugs...

  23. This is absolutely gorgeous Nina! I love the soft colors you've used. I can't wait to play with these templates :)

  24. Oh pretty, pretty! What a beauty! Love the colors, the textures, the patterns, the sentiment. . everything is so lovely!! Blessings!

  25. beautiful vintage look - so wish I could play but not this week - have family here for holiday
    have a beautiful Thanksgiving (-:

  26. Gorgeous card & the sentiment is just perfect!! Thanks for the templates too.

  27. This is beautiful Nina! Love the vintage design and such pretty papers.

  28. WOW! Gorgeous and very elegant! Love the new Spellbinder die! And thanks for the links to the free templates! Can't wait to play.

  29. Wonderful card, I'm so amazed at all the creativity along this hop! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  30. thanks so much for the freebies, nina! awesome die and gorgeous card:)

  31. Nina this is such a beautiful card and lovely sentiment!
    Kindest regards,

  32. Stunning! love this card and I love tea cups and saucers...thanks for the template and now I have to find the time to play with them...TFs


Thank you for your kind comments.