
Friday, May 10, 2013

Feeling Patriotic

Hi, friends! I have a few patriotic projects to share with you today that was posted on the SRM blog a few days ago. Make sure you check out the blog the last few days as SRM has a giveaway going on that includes some Fiskars punches.

First up is a set of tubes that were simply decorated with stickers borders, twine and die cuts. Inside are Hershey's Kisses. I love these tiny tubes and they're so fun to decorate.
Here's a card using some Bo Bunny papers from last year. I love how these papers create movement because of their graphic style (with a vintage favorite!). I decorated my card with some Want2Scrap bling, more twine and stickers.
Another card using the same papers, twine and stickers. I added the word sticker borders on the edges as a subtle frame.
This is it for me today. I'm off to see a doctor for my annual (more like every 3 years) check up. I am still battling a nasty cold and now, also starving as I am not allowed to eat until the tests are done. So it's probably not a good idea that I am looking through one of my new favorite sites, FOODGAWKER. It's like Pinterest but strictly for food. It has a sister site called CRAFTGAWKER and it's also fabulous. Well, I'd better get away from the computer before I break my fast. Have a great weekend!


  1. Great projects Nina - I particularly like the first card.

  2. Love these bold patriotic projects, especially love how you accentuate the patterns in the paper with your card layouts.

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  4. You are so creative. I love the projects. By the way the anonymous comment above is spam with a link.

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  8. FANTASTIC patriotic cards and containers!


Thank you for your kind comments.