
Saturday, May 25, 2013

OWH Memorial Day Weekend Blog Hop

Hello, friends! First of all, thank you for all your sweet comments and email regarding my recent health ordeal. I appreciate all your prayers and encouragement! Though I have slowed down a lot with designing due to my lingering pain, I couldn't back down from this worthwhile hop.
I am honored to participate in this year's Operation Write Home's Memorial Day Weekend Hop. If you're a frequent follower of my blog, then you'd know that I recently lost my grandfather who was a WW2 veteran and a Bataan Death March Survivor. You can read his incredible story HERE. I thank God for sparing his life during the war and as a result, my grandfather eagerly sought the truth and found it in the Bible. He introduced it to me and I am now a missionary overseas, a living testament of God's work in his life, for which I will be forever grateful. And it is my privilege to honor him and the many men and women who sacrificed so much to ensure our freedom.

For today's hop, I followed sketch #139 to create this masculine thank you card. I created a white embossed collage background using Penny Black's Breezy, Love Chapter and Music Background stamps. I then spritz it with some Tsukineko Goosebumps and blended various Distress inks. The vintage car is from Penny Black's Hot Rod set.
Here is a close up of the background, which was die cut using Spellbinders Labels 8. I embellished it with Want2Scrap pearls, May Arts ribbon and a strip of October Afternoon papers.
As a gratitude for your visit, I am giving away the following to one random commenter below: Spellbinders' Venetian Accents dies, Spellbinders' Venetian Motifs dies, The Craft's Meow's Take the Cake stamp set, LOC Fairy Wishes (retired)
If you want another chance for a prize giveaway, you can check out the NinaB Designs Make It Masculine hop going on till Sunday evening. A set of Spellbinder dies and a Want2Scrap $20 gift certificate are up for grabs. I will announce the winners from both hops on Monday Tuesday. Happy hopping!


  1. Gosh, Nina, I am so glad you are better. Love this card. It definitely has a masculine feel to it. The beautiful background coloring gives it great personality which is sometimes lacking in masculine cards. Great job.

  2. So pleased to hear your health has improved.
    Love the bright background - it sets the car off to perfection. Stunning card.

  3. oh, Wow, Nina. Love this card. What a great background technique. Thanks for the story, your support of OWH, and your generous candy offer.

  4. Can you say Gorgeous ?!? Love your use of several stamps to create the background...just beautiful.

  5. Wow, what an amazing card! Love all the colors you put together! Great job.

  6. Love the background technique and colors. Masculine cards are difficult to design, but this is definitely a keeper!

  7. This is such a nice masculine card and the background stamping is great!

  8. Your card is amazing! The background is super cool and I love that vintage car. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  9. What a lovely card- I love the contrast of the background colors and the car. Fabulous card!

  10. Beautiful card! You totally rocked using different patterns! Thank you for sharing your story and for all your support in OWH.

  11. Glad our prayers are helping. Your card is stunning. I love the color combos and the textures.
    Hummer Hugs,
    hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

  12. What a gorgeous card. And that blog candy does look awesome.


  13. Beautiful, beautiful card. I love your use of inks to create the background. Wow!

  14. I love the bright colors you chose for the background. Really makes the car pop. Beautiful card.

  15. Such a great masculine card. I love that the background is still bright and cheery, but is definitely for a guy! Great work. Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy...that is an awesome prize.

  16. beautifully detailed card. I love all the color combinations used.

  17. Love the background you made for this card. Great masculine look. Thanks you for sharing, you are a gift.

  18. You're card is beautiful! So wonderfully detailed Nina and I love the colorful background paper.

  19. Beautiful card--such love went into making it. The BG is like WOW!!!

  20. Very artsy and a joy to look at.

  21. Hello Nina,
    I love your testimony and am so happy you were blessed with your grandfather's love of the Lord! Your card is just STUNNING! Thank you so much for sharing both the card and your story. May the Lord bless you in your work in Croatia!

  22. Absolutely gorgeous card! I subscribe to your blog and I love everything you make! I love the colors, your ribbon treatment and LOVE that car!

    I have a friend who did a short term missionary trip to Croatia. Thank you for sharing your story.

  23. Love the card! The vintage car is awesome & I like your use of color :) Thanks for sharing!

  24. that car is just fab! love the fun colors you have given this great card! you can believe it is going to bring BIG smiles! :)

  25. I love the distressed background you made.

  26. Girl ! Your card is inspiring me to put everything down and go make a card! LETTING YOU KNOW i PLAN ON STEALING LOTS OF IDEAS HERE :)

  27. Thanks for sharing your grandfathers life story. Sorry for your loss and his lack of recognition for his service. He must have been a remarkable man to have survived the Bataan death march!!!

  28. Wow, the coloring on this card is so stunning! Must be TH Distress inks? Love how your ribbon runs off the page on the left! And the die cut shape of your background adds such a great amount of interest....well done!

  29. love how you used the ribbon to make the 'road' under the car. Love the car! This card just 'pops'!

  30. Love the background and the car stamp - almost bought this one myself.

  31. Ok, another comment about your background ...WOW...nice technique

  32. Thank you for sharing about your grandfather. What a remarkable man. I know you are comforted by the fact that he is now with our Lord. I also thank you for the work you are doing to further His kingdom. May God be with you and bless you each and every day.

    The card is stunning. Truly. I love everything about it. The colors, the texture, the design. Fabulous!

  33. I love this technique! What a great masculine card!

  34. Such a awesome card and You life is a testament of the truths that your grandfather taught you. I'm Thankful for men like him so that we can have the freedoms we have today. Continue to get well.

  35. What beautiful bright masculine card, I like the way you made the frame. You have beautiful talent...thank you for sharing.

  36. Love this Nina! I like the distress ink background you have been making. :)

  37. I love the car and all the details on it.

  38. Love all the bright colors in contrast to the car. Excellent job.

  39. Beautiful background and fantastic combo - just gorgeous!

  40. I love all of the details on your card, but my favorite is the swirl on the car. Or is it the bright colors? You did an amazing job!

  41. WOW! So very beautiful, I love the bright cheerful background & the black car... oh and that ribbon (I have that!) again wow

  42. Wow, so many details! Amazing card!

  43. Love the bright but vintagey look of the card.

  44. Wow, what a fabulous card! Love the colors and all those wonderful details. Perfection.


  45. Wowzers this is absolutely stunning-- that! Love it!

  46. Your car is so pretty in an ultra-artsy way. Your colors are just wonderful. Fabulous card all around!

  47. Great card! Love the fun background colors and the embossed resist technique!

  48. Fantastic background and like the vintage car image that you've used. Thank you to you and your family for your Grandfather's service to our country! Thanks for your support of OWH and hope that you continue to improve health-wise.

  49. Thanks for sharing your grandfather's story. And your card is lovely...the colors and the detail...very nice!

  50. Great card - masculine but certainly not boring - your use of colors is just right - the embossing is very nice technique for this card

  51. This is neat. I like all the layers.

  52. Love the layers and colors. I'm glad to hear that your feeling better.

  53. Glad you are much better. Thanks to your family for their service to keep our freedom and to keep us safe. Thanks to you and your family for spreading gospel. Great card.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  54. I love the resist and the background colors. I've been thinking of getting that car stamp.

  55. First, I am so sorry for your loss and for your medical challenges. May you soon find peace.
    Thanks for this beautiful card!! I love the die cut shape and the background!! I also like how well your DP matches your background. TFS and supporting OWH!! Take good care!

  56. Hope you get to back to feeling better soon - blessings are being sent your way! My dear friend is from Croatia, & seeing your blog warms my heart.

  57. Love the Penny Black stamps and the background is fabulous!

  58. What an amazing story about your grandfather and glad you are much better! Your card is absolutely gorgeous with that background! Love it!

  59. Wow! Love everything about the card (and the car!) The ink colors blended on the background are so lovely and really make the image stand out so beautifully.

  60. Love those bright colors on your card Nina! Hope you are feeling better soon. Just love your style! Happy Memorial Day.

  61. Love the background!!! It really sets off the black and white car in the foreground. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for sharing about your grandfather.

  62. So many elements to this card which make it great! Thanks for the give-away. Hope I win :)

  63. Your card is amazing! I love the unexpected bright colors!
    Beth F. OWH #114

  64. I am truely sorry for the loss of your Grandfather. He is such an inspiration to you and to others who now read his story. Thank you tor sharing his wonderful story. My Dad was a wonderful man who was also a WWll vet. My Dad served in Germany, Austria and France in the 66th Panther division. I am so very sorry your Grandfather was not given the recognition he so deserved! You will be in my prayers in this very sad time.
    Your card is beautiful! I love the background and car stamp. Thank you for sharing about your Grandfather's life and your gorgeous card. Donna

  65. What a beautiful card. I love those images and all the bright colors you chose as well. Your stamp designs are always so awesome too.

  66. Wonderful card--love the colorful background and the antique car.

  67. oh my, your card is amazing. Wonderful colors and details....WOW. God bless your grand father. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  68. What a beautifully done masculine card. Love the ribbon and button added to the bottom. I also loved reading your heartwarming testimony and appreciate you for sharing it and your talent with us. ~ Marilyn

  69. I really like the car and the background colors are beautiful!

  70. Wow, your card is terrific. I love the car image and the layout.

  71. I love the way your card pops! I am so very glad I found your blog through the OWH hop I will be back for sure.


  72. Gorgeous card as always Nina, Your work is always the best! I love the vintage card and of course the colors! Every detail is superb. My father, too, served on board escort carries in the Mediterranean during WW11, I would not be here today if he hadn't. Thanks for sharing your talent today and God Bless you and all those who have given for our freedom!

  73. I. LOVE. THIS. CARD! Masculine is always a challenge, but you've made this fun and funky with both your color choices and fab images. I just might have to get that car! Thanks for your participation in the OWH Blog Hop!

  74. Love your card! I want that car and your colors are beautiful.

  75. I especially like all the colors in the background and how they contrast with the car. Beautiful!

  76. Wow! Gorgeous card. I love the colors/patterns and layout.

  77. love this card it is so pretty ...esp love the old car and how you decorated it up !

  78. Gorgeous! I love the background and the car is just spectacular! I am going to have to get these stamps so I can give this a try! TFS!

    1. Great candy you are giving away! I love everything in it! Thanks for the chance to win such yummy goodies!

  79. That is just the greatest car on your card. Such a unique card.

  80. I love how you created the background. Very pretty

  81. Gorgeous card. Love the background technique you used.
    Thank God for your grandfather and the work you are doing. Glad your health has improved. God bless.

  82. I hope you recover quickly. Your card has such lovely colors and imagery! I love the classic feel of both the car and the sentiment! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiring creation and for supporting OWH.

  83. The truck on this card is great! The background technique is very effective and beautiful. Very nice job with the card.

  84. Fantastic layering and colors. You have been all over the place! Riches come from experiencing new things.

  85. That card is fantastic! I love that background. So rich and vibrant!
    Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway. Have a great weekend! And thanks for supporting OWL too.

  86. Love all the layers and goodies. This is a "gift," not just a card. Thanks for sharing.

  87. much going on and it all works together very nicely. Love your background

  88. I love the technique you used and the colors. I love how the colors pop off the clean black background.

  89. Love the bright colors and the car is to die for!

  90. This is more like a work of art than a card! Your coloring is gorgeous, and that car is so much fun! Beautiful!!

  91. Love the design & such stunning colors in this card!

  92. The background you did for your card is fantastic. Whether a man or woman picks this card out of the OWH box to send to his or her spouse or friend--everyone will be happy. It's gorgeous.

  93. Awesome card elements! The background is spectacular and I really love the old vintage car. Thanks for your generous blog candy giveaway--I love winning free stuff!
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend! :) Marie (OWH #119)

  94. What a fabulous card! The black and white image and ribbon really pop the focal point, while ground the card at the same time. TFS!

  95. I really love the bright colors and the embossing! Such a great card!

  96. Love your card, the background is wonderful, the car is perfect and the layers very nice. TFS.

  97. So glad you are feeling better now Nina. What a gorgeous the bright colors with the vintage images. So creative!

  98. Your card is just gorgeous. I love your background, colors that you chose really made it pop. I read your grandfather story. What a legacy he has left you.

  99. Thank you Nina for your participation for this wonderful cause! I really love your masculine card, the colors, the image.

  100. Love the gorgeous card. the background makes the card.

  101. Fantastic color combinations and incorporaing the vintage car is genius.
    Thank you for being an OWR r.

  102. WOW, I just love everything about this card. Colors are great and the vintage car is awesome.

  103. Love that bright background...and the car stamp is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this card!

  104. I just love that vintage card paired up with the bright contemporary colors. Unexpected and fabulous!

  105. Love the bright background so impressive - just wonderful!!!

  106. Your post was amazing and your card is fantastic! I love the bright background piece!

  107. Beautiful!!! That background and all of the colors is what makes this card. TFS

  108. I love the colors you used in your background. Very bright and makes me smile!

  109. The vintage car with the bright colors work so well on this card!
    My grandfather passed away laster and was also a WWII vet. He never talked about his experience though, but I sure am proud of him.

  110. Wow I just love that background and all the vintage elements! AMAZING!
    Sandy, OWH Exec. Dir.

  111. Wow what a beautiful background it makes the card really pop! Nice jobhope you are feeling better real soon

  112. Great colors and I love the vintage auto! Thank you for taking the time to share a little bit about you and your grandfather. Blessings!

  113. That background is just gorgeous! And I love that stamp - much get that set! The accents are perfect - the ribbon tied off with twine and the pearls along the top.

  114. The masculine thank you is great. The colors are so bright and vibrant. Great job and thanks for sharing - I find the masculine cards are harder to create for me so I love looking at others for inspiration.

  115. Lovely colors --- perfect design. Thanks for the story about your grandfather. I was wondering how you ended up in Croatia.

  116. I love that you were able to use such a variety of beautiful colors and still keep the card masculine. Thanks for sharing.

  117. Oh my goodness, I love the car. Your background is gorgeous with all the vibrant color. Thank you for sharing! Nicely done!

  118. Your card is stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  119. The coloring on your card is so grand!

  120. Beautiful card, Nina! Glad you're a bit better! Hugs...

  121. First off, I'm sorry about your Grampa's passing. He sounds like an amazing man. Thank you for sharing his story. Also, I love your card. It's beautifully masculine.

  122. Wow... such a gorgeous card. Thanks for inspiring and supporting OWH. Hope you are feeling better.

  123. I just love the color combos in this card.

  124. Fantastic background! Loving the blending and really love that vintage car image!

  125. I like the car. Did you doublestamp it or that was the actual stamp with the floral design background?

  126. Wow, I love your card! Your background colors are gorgeous. TFS!

  127. Love your background, and it makes the car really pop. Such a great looking card I'm sure you'll make someone else very happy.

  128. Fab card--great colors and image. Thanks for the super give-a-way chance.

  129. Love love love the car card. Love the background and the car is really cool. I am off to read your grandfathers story. My dad was also a WWII survivor and my husband is a veteran. I am in the process of getting some cards together for OWH

  130. Beautiful background!!! Love the colors - bold, colorful, and manly!

  131. Love all the colors and the car is neat.

  132. You put a lot of love and work into this card. The story of your grandfather's history and affect on you was special. I'm female and I'd love to receive a card like this. I'm not always clear on this masculine/feminine card distinction -- ha!! Unless it's pink and fru-fru, I think most cards can go either way. Thanks for participating in the hop.

  133. Your card is just beautiful and this is such a moving post. Thank you so much for sharing your grandfather's story today. I am so glad you were able to joining in the hop. Thank you for supporting OWH.

  134. Wow, what a fabulous background. Thank you for sharing your story.

  135. Your grandfather must have been very proud of you. Thank you for the opportunity to win wonderful prizes while celebrating Memorial Day and the veterans it honors.

  136. What a fantastic masculine card! Your grandfather must be so proud of you and thankful that He has a part in you serving on the mission field today. My condolences ea to you in your loss. Thanks for sharing with us and for the opportunity to win such a generous prize package.

  137. This is a beautiful masculine card. What a touching story you shared with us. God bless you in your missionary work and thank you for your support of OWH.

  138. I always love seeing your cards I love the color combos they stand out like no other I have seen, Just stunning. Thank you for the inspiration!!

  139. Nice how the color resist background matches the colors in the accent paper. I can imagine using my Tim Holtz old truck die for a similar effect.

  140. Gorgeous card! I love the verigated background colors and thanks so much for the chance to win!

  141. This has to be one of my favorites. Love the antique car against the beautiful bright color background.

  142. Wonderful card. Love the bright color combinations and all the flourishes and layers.

  143. What an amazing story! And that card---wow!!

  144. WOW!! Love the colors and design elements. Beautiful job!!!

  145. wow love all the colours in the background and the black and white car.

  146. Love the colors of the background - lovely card!

  147. This is a great card. This weekend is so important to honor those who have served our country. Thanks for your participation!

  148. An amazing card, love the car! Thank you for sharing and supporting OWH!

    Amanda :)

  149. love this card especially background and car stamp

  150. I really enjoyed your card and how you did the background. Thanks for sharing and pray your feel better soon.

  151. Beautiful, beautiful card Nina!! Love the background & the May Arts Ribbon is perfect! Thanks for sharing your Grandfather's story with us! Oh, and thanks for the chance to win! :D

  152. Love the colorful card!! And what a nice set of prizes you have for the lucky commenter. Hope I am the one!! :)

  153. That vintage car is certainly an attention getter. Love the bright background.

  154. Great job on this card. The brilliant colors against the black background is wonderful way to accent your vintage card. Thanks for letting me know how you achieved this wonderful card.

  155. I love the bright colors in your card. It makes a statement! This is my first visit to your website and I love it. You've been bookmarked! Thanks

  156. LOVE this card. I'll have to try inking over my Goosebumps spray. (leslie #113)

    PS: Please do not put my name into the drawing. I don't need more stuff!

  157. This is such a fantastic male card! I think the car is one of the best I have seen out there! Thanks for the embossing/collage idea too.

  158. I have a stamp similar to your vintage car & I'm inspired to use it thanks to your beautiful card.

  159. Absolutely gorgeous card! I love the beautiful bright background and wonderful vintage car!

  160. THANK YOU for sharing your story, talent and gifts. I pray your health improves! The card is simply GREAT!

  161. Beautiful card Nina! I'd love to see a tutorial of how you make those backgrounds when you can, I hope you feel better soon.

  162. Great card, love the bright background colors.

  163. You made a really pretty background that goes perfectly with the swirl on the car. Great colors. Thanks for sharing.

  164. Your card is amazing, Nina. I love the bg and that ribbon is a perfect touch! Thank you for sharing the story from your grandfather. What a true hero he was!!!

  165. The vintage card with all the vibrant colors is just fabulous!

  166. Gorgeous card- love the white embossing! And thanks to your grandfather for his great sacrifices- and I am sorry for your loss.

  167. Stunning card, Nina. You are very talented and creative. TFS and for your generous blog candy. How cool is the internet that you can be connected with us back home while you are in Croatia. May God bless you as you support OWH and strengthen you physically as you face health trials.

  168. Really love the colors on your card. It is really a great guy card, yet love the way your used some bright colors!!!

  169. Love the background! It makes the car stand out even more!
    Thanks for the chance!


    Carmen L

  170. This is stunning! The bright background with the old fashioned car is so neat! LOVE it!

  171. Love the colors and the stamps used on this card! Thank you so much for the chance at the eye candy!

  172. I really like bright colors. Good job.

  173. I'm so sorry about the loss of your Grandfather. Your card is beautiful. I love the colors and that car with the floral swirl is so pretty. Gotta love Penny Black.

  174. Love the vintage car and the bright colored background! Your Grandfather's story of surviving the Bataan Death March is amazing. God Bless you in your work and thanks for supporting OWH.

  175. Your card is absolutely gorgeous! Love the bright colors behind the masculine vintage automobile! Beautifully put together!
    God Bless your Grandfather and many more for all they have done for our freedom.

  176. love that black & white car on the colorful background!! great contrast!

  177. Wow!! This card is AWESOME!! Loving all of the FUN texture and color!! THANKS for sharing and for the chance to win!! Have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! ;)

  178. Absolutely FAB card! Love the technique and color combo! Thanks so much for sharing!

  179. Thank u 4 sharing such a touching story. :) The colors and cutouts on this card are gorgeous! I love the old car that seems to jump out at you on that bright beautiful background!!!!

  180. Gorgeous background! The car looks stunning against those bright colors, Nina! Love this card.

  181. Nina you have a great eye for putting colors/patterns together. Beautiful card

  182. Stunning card! Love the color and layering!

  183. Fun background technique and great color combo.

  184. Awesome masculine card, but I am sure there are many of us ladies that would love to receive a card such as this, too ! Thanks for sharing and inspiring =)

  185. WoW what a terrific card-one that I would be so happy to receive. What a fabulous background and fantastic new PB car stamp! Thanks for sharing the memories of your grandfather's story.

  186. Love the bright and fun feel of the card! I have been trying to make brighter guy cards as well! TFS!!!

  187. What striking colors - beautiful card!

  188. Wow... This is so fun and so elegant at the same time. I love it!!! Those colors are amazing with everything. Wonderful job. Thanks for joining in on the hop

  189. I truly love the bright colors in this scard. The background is great and I like the car with its designs. Makes it unique.

  190. Manly but colorful! Great job!

  191. Oh my goodness! I just fell in love with your cards! The colors are so vibrant, and the rest of the elements somehow come together all around it on this one. LOVE! :)

  192. Your card is stunning! The colors are gorgeous.

  193. Adore the ornate vintage car and the use of inks.
    I too love spellbinders, they are just the best for creating cards.
    I know it is past the weekend but I just wanted to support your cause.
    "Like the ivy and the wall, together we stand, united we fall".

  194. Simply beautiful! What a wonderful tribute to a great man (thanks for sharing the link!). ((hugs)) And Thanks for sharing your talent

  195. Beautiful card! And your grandfather's story is simply amazing! Thank you for sharing that with us! I know that he is missed immensely!


Thank you for your kind comments.