
Monday, May 11, 2009

Cowboy and Cowgirl Bling

If you're a regular visitor here, you know that I love challenges. I even love it more when I can combine several challenges in one project. So for this post, I am covering the following fun challenges:

Flourishes Release Challenge - to make a His and Hers card

Color Throwdown - Ridinghood Red, Baja Breeze and Certainly Celery

Stamp Something - Pink birthday

Stamp TV Sketch Challenge (I based my sketch very loosely on this.)

My cards:

The card on the left uses the Color Throwdown colors while on the right uses all pink with the happy birthday sentiment for the Stamp Something challenge. I paper pierced swirls on the Hers card. I hope you can see them. The sketch is by Stamp TV.

Supplies: Stamps (Guidelines by PTI, Trendy Trees and Bronc Buster by SU, Tweeterpated by TSG, Papers (Kraft, Ruby Red, Rose Red), Ink (Rose Red, Ruby Red, Baja Breeze, Certainly Celery), Others (corner punches, Prima flowers, MM Bling, twine)

post signature


  1. Hi Nina - both cards are beautiful!!! I really like how you made them look so different with the BG Stamp and the embellishments - just simply beautiful!!!

  2. Well, how cool is this! I did see that Flourishes challenge--a fun one, and you have combined the others very nicely! I love the different little embellishments! Thanks for playing with us!

  3. Wow, that is some great challenge combination! Great SU! & PTI combo. Love that star embellishment too! :>

  4. These are both so nice! I love the guy card-great use of the colors and the hemp! Thanks so much for playing the CTD!

  5. This is so sweet! Love the his and hers look! :)

  6. Very nice set of cards! Great take on both challenges! Thanks for playing the Throwdown! Hope to see you again next time!

  7. They are both terrific. I have yet to use this stamp set.... Now I'm inspired. Love the elements you added to both cards and hemp is a perfect touch

    I hope you're doing great Nina!


Thank you for your kind comments.