
Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Passion for Papertrey Challenge

I am a new PTI customer. I just received my first stamps less than a month ago as gifts and I've enjoyed playing with them so much. I love the Wishing You set, just perfect for spring. If you frequent my blog, I hope you're not tired of these tulips yet. I just want to make use of them before they become out of season. :-)

I just found a new challenge blog, specifically for European PTI fans called A Passion for Papertrey. For this week, they asked participants to make a friendship card. And I have just the perfect cards for it because I made these for a friend who wanted personalized note cards.

All Supplies from PTI unless noted otherwise: Stamps (Wishing You), Paper (Aqua Mist, True Black), Ink (Basic Black, Really Red, Mint Melody by SU), Others (gingham ribbon, slit punch and word window punch by SU).

Supplies: Stamps(Wishing You), Paper (DCWV spring cards, green CS from stash), Ink (Summer Sun and Old Olive by SU), Others (New Leaf ribbon and pearl button).

post signature


  1. Hey Nina, cute cards!

    Shell in Alaska

  2. Nina ! What a joy to find your blog... it's beautiful ... and beautiful work ! AND to find another Christian ... love that too! I'll become a follower if that's ok .

  3. Hi Nina - what fabulous cards, I need this set now lol! Thanks for joining in the challenge! Kate x

  4. What stunning cards Nina - wow - they are fab! Thanks so much for entering them into our chllenge :) Hugs, Steph xxx


Thank you for your kind comments.