
Saturday, September 12, 2009

3 cards for 3 sweet little girls

School just started this week in Croatia. My two older girls are in a Croatian school and they amaze me at how well they blend in there. They are the only non-Croat, non-Catholic, non-white (well, they're half :-)) non-native speaker in the whole school, yet they do so well. They can converse with the perfect accent with both English and Croatian. My oldest one is now studying German in 4th grade and in a few years, she can be fluent in that, too. They can do math, grammar in both languages. They are both excellent students. My youngest one still stays home with me and it will be a sad day when I send her off to kindergarten in a few years.

The Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge this week is to make a card that will encourage your children. It was a good reminder not to take my babies for granted. As missionary kids, they face more challenges than kids their age in America or Croatia. My husband and I voluntarily signed up to be missionaries. They just happened to be born in a family of one. Another term others use to refer to them is "third culture kids." They are neither fully American, nor are they fully Croatian, but they seem to embrace both very well. And for that I am thankful. God has truly blessed me with great kids and I pray that my DH and I will raise them in the ways of the Lord. Nothing will give me more joy than raising godly, kind, compassionate kids.

Here are my girls:

For my cards, I used the free images that Mo's Digital Pencil is offering at her PaperCraft Planet Group. I had so much fun coloring these with Copics. Mo is one talented artist. I also used my current favorite embellishment on these, which are buttons (for the Stamp Something challenge).

Here are the cards I made for them. This one is for Katy, my youngest, and it follows Sketch #3 of the Caardvarks challenge). She kinda looks like this cute Japanese girl and she loves kittens. She is very sweet and will tell me she loves me just because. The other day, she ran into my arms and said, "I can stay here forever." Awww, isn't that sweet?

This one, which follows the Crazy 4 challenges sketch, is for Gaby, my 2nd child. This happy image reminds me of her. She loves to laugh and people are naturally drawn to her. She's very cuddly and compassionate and will be the first one to offer to help me at home. She is also my most crafty. She loves making cards with me.

This one is for Gracie, my oldest and it follows Sketch #2 of the Caardvarks challenge and the ABC Challenge to use die cuts (I used the Spellbinders tags). She loves to read. I colored the image to match her favorite pants and shirt. Gracie is a thinker, very smart and mature for her age. She just absorbs everything like a sponge. And I've been able to count on her for many things around the house.

Thank you for letting me share about my girls. I am a truly blessed MOM. God is good!



  1. fabulous cards, thanks for playing our C4C challenge.

  2. Wonderful cards for your beautiful little girls! Thanks for playing C4C!

  3. Your girls are beautiful! I really enjoy getting to know your family through your blog.

    I also am so grateful for all the inspiration you bring to my life both in my faith and my creativity!!

    Blessings and Hugs!c

  4. Came across your blog from caardvards. What beautiful cards. All three of them are goregous!!!

  5. Your cards like your three little girls are adorable - you sure are one lucky lady!!!
    Hope all's well with you

  6. AHHH, Nina! Your girls are precious - in your sight and in God's! They are truly blessed to have a mom who prays for them, teaches them, and LOVES them as I can tell you do! Your cards are beautiful. Blessings upon you and your DH and your children! Numbers 6:24-26

  7. wow! I love all three!!! just beautiful!! And you girls are just BEAUTIFUL!!!

  8. What gorgeous cards ... I love the pop of red in the first one and those stitched and distressed DP panels almost look like fabric ... thanks for joining us at Caardvarks.

  9. GORGEOUS daughters you have & fantastic cards! Love the embellishments you've used! Thanks for playing along with us at Stamp Something! :-)

  10. oh wow--three ♥beautiful♥ cards! as is only fitting for three so very lovely young ladies! ♥

  11. What a beautiful card! Thanks for playing along with us!


  12. Fabulous cards!
    Thanks for joining us at the ABC Challenge this week!
    Helen x

  13. Oh Nina...these are sooo WONDERFUL!! I have 2 little girls of my own and these would even be perfect for them! LOL - VERY SWEET!! Thanks so much for playing in our Sunday Challenge at SSCC!! =0)

  14. what precious cards! your daughters are so adorable and I love what your little one said to you. TFS!

  15. Nina, your cards are amazing! But what I loved the most was reading about your girls. God blessed you with them, and them with you!


    P.S. Thanks for playing in this week's Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge!

  16. Nina - your girls are gorgeous and I'm so happy I had a chance to meet them!!! Your cards are gorgeous!!! Wonderful take on the challenge!!! Hugs ~S~

  17. Nina, what a beautiful family you have!! Your girls are just gorgeous!

  18. Beautiful girls. I can't believe how much they have grown!
    Beautiful creations!!

  19. three beautiful cards for three beautiful little ladies! Just wonderful!

  20. What beautiful cards! I love the message behind how and why you created them! Your girls are gorgeous:)I love your use of your fave embellies:) Thanks for Stamping Something with Us! Hugs, Rowena-dt Stamp Something

  21. Wow Nina, very touching post! You're 3 precious and beautiful daughters are just as fortunate to have you for a Mother as you are, blessed with them! The cards you made for each are extraordinary! Love all the special touches.
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. Nina these are just the sweetest cards. I can tell they were made with much love and I'm sure each of your girls will treasure them.
    They are all just adorable and it's amazing how much they are learning in school! You have much reason to be proud!


Thank you for your kind comments.