
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you think this is shabby chic enough?

To see my post for the MoxieFab World Blog Tour, please click HERE. GinaK previews follow.

I've been a fan of the shabby chic style that seems to be the trend now. I love all the stitching, lace, big ribbons and vintage feel to them. But, my problem is I can't do a collage as I'm pretty obsessed with things to be straight. I can't do layers either, since I rarely spend more than 30 minutes on a card. So, I decided to call my style clean and shabby or what about quasi-shabby? :-) Maybe, when I "grow up," I'll learn to do the shabby chic properly.

I used images from my soon to be released set, Lord of the Seasons, from GinaK for these cards. It will be available for purchase after the release party at 10pm CST at GinaK Designs store.

Card #1 follows the 2Sketches4You sketch. I inked the background stamp (Old lace from Stampin' Up) with several colors to get the gradient effect for Moxie Fab's Gradient is Radiant challenge.

Paper: Pumpkin Spice, PL Ivory, Soft Sand, Old Olive textured
Ink: Old Olive, Really Rust, Only Orange, Ruby Red, Memento Rich Cocoa
Others: ribbon, buttons and lace from my stash, pearl from Michael's, Fiskars pinking scissors and border punch

Card #2 follows the Get Sketchy layout and is more my typical clean and simple style. I embossed the image using 4 different colors of powders to get the gradient effect, for the Moxie Fab's current challenge.

Paper: Chocolate Kiss, PL Ivory Ink: Versamark Others: So Saffron ribbon, buttons

Come back tomorrow as I have more cards to show you using Lord of the Seasons. And don't forget the release party will be on Thursday, October 1st ,over on SCS starting at 7:00 pm CST. There will be games, prizes and more previews.

And my friend, Crystal, agreed to be my Guest DT this month using Lord of the Seasons. Go check out her blog to see why I asked her to be one. She does amazing work with coloring and has an overall elegant style I just love.



  1. Yes whatever the style these are lovely cards, both!

  2. Hi Nina,
    Love what you did for your gradient card--it's beautiful. The stamp image is great too!

  3. fabbie cards them both! Thanks for playing with us over at get sketchy!

  4. Nina I think that is beautifully shabby and chic!! Loved my visit here!

  5. Nina I think that is beautifully shabby and chic!! Loved my visit here!

  6. Nina, both cards are beautiful! I absolutely love your Lord of the seasons set!

  7. Nina!! Your cards are quite splendiferous!your shabby Chic card is very beautiful. And the Card you've used the different colored powders on is fabulous as well. I love the ribbon and buttons. Your New Lord Of The Seasons images are Incredible!!! I adore them. It's always an extra special treat visiting your blog with all it's beauty!
    Hope your day is extra special. Just like you!


  8. You know, I am the SAME way! I just adore the shabby chic style but my cards are usually more clean and simple. I can't do "crooked" image panels and lots of layers. It just never works out for me.

  9. These are beautiful! I am the same way, I struggle with the shabby look because I obsess about thing being streight too. Beautiful new stamp set, I really love how you embossed the image to give it the gradient look.

  10. I think it's perfectly chic!

    Happy WMMD!

  11. wow!! your cards are fantabulous! LOVE them!

  12. Your GS card is very pretty!
    thank so much for playing!

  13. Love the sewing! You've done a beautiful job. Can't wait to try it out -- thanks for sharing.

  14. These cards are so pretty and girly. Love' em :)

  15. Awesome stuff Nina (as always) - your blog is just fabulous!

  16. Fabby cards!!! I always love your stuff, you do beautiful work and these are no exception!!


Thank you for your kind comments.