
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love Blog Hop Winner

I hope you found much inspiration from the Layers of Color's Love blog hop yesterday. Thank you for making it a success.

My card for today uses the new Sent with Love clear art stamps. The card base is GKD Ocean Mist. The sentiment is framed with the Spellbinders Fancy Tags dies.
Thank You Kindly

And now for the winner of the HAPPY WISHES SET, via, is...#6 SANDRA. Congratulations! Please remember from yesterday's post, it is important that you contact me (via tab above) asap, or I will have to draw another winner tomorrow!

Make sure you visit the LOC blog and other LOC DTs to check if you won there:

Diana, Janice, Jennie, Jessica, Linda, Melisa

For the rest of you who didn't win this time, take advantage of Layers of Color's new release sale. They extended it one more day for you all!


  1. Nina, this is gorgeous! I love the ribbon and flower on your card!!

  2. Gorgeous CAS design, Nina! I love the colors and the gingham ribbon and rose!

  3. Congrats to your winner! Love the colors you used on this beautiful card, Nina! Very peaceful and calm! Hugs...

  4. Nina, I love your newest sets for LOC, they are GORGEOUS!!! (As always!)



    That is me! Nina I did send you an email.
    Love this set Nina, thank you sooooo much!
    Sandra ltb

  6. Congratulations, Sandra!

    Beautiful card, Nina! So classy! It's the card sample on the back of the stamp package so everyone who buys that set can find more inspiration from your creative ideas!

    Special hugs to you today, Nina!

  7. Congratulations to Sandra! Nina this card is so elegant - I love all of the elements you used to create such a simply elegant card - your embossing is DIVINE! Thanks for sharing! {{{hugs}}}

  8. Nina, your new sets with Layers of Color are just plain wonderful! LOVE that font and who can't use more sentiments.

  9. Hi Nina!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! It's funny that I actually found your blog through another blogger a while ago, and put it under my bookmarks to check out when I had a bit more time! And then I saw your sweet comment on my blog and recognized your pic!! It's so funny how the internet connects us all!
    It's so neat to hear that you are living in Croatia...I am Croatian but living in Canada currently. What made you move there...and where abouts do you live??
    I have to say, your work is absolutely beautiful and its so great to see that Scrapbooking is catching on everywhere else in the world too!
    Now that I have a bit more time, I'm going to check out the rest of your blog!
    Please keep in touch as I would love to hear more about your adventures and crafting in Croatia! Hugs from Canada!

  10. I never tire of your creativeness. This is simple yet so elegant Nina. I just love black & white combo (it's my personal favorite) and that touch of ocean blue makes it even more gorgeous. I am so glad that LOC extended the sale on your new sets. I just ordered all three. I'm so excited. I think I will go back thou because I really want the floweret stamp too. Have a great evening.

  11. Hi Nina, gusto ko card mo, napaka-ganda.

  12. simply elegant. beautiful card, Nina!


Thank you for your kind comments.