
Saturday, February 12, 2011

New CHA goodies

For my card today, I get to play with some new products I got from Winter CHA. The papers are Pink Paislee's new Soiree collection. The flower, sentiment and stitches are from SRM Stickers WGYS Plus Flower. The round doily was cut using my new Spellbinders Floral Doily Motifs die.

This is for this week's Card Patterns sketch. Our sponsor is Craftbrulee that sent us some yummy trims (the beautiful lace on my card) and handmade flowers.

Nina Sketch 102
On another note, my dear husband and I had a Valentine dinner and a movie last night with our sweet girls. He made these heart-shaped burgers, served with grilled mushrooms and sweet potato fries. It was so good that we decided to repeat it for tonight's dinner. Yumm!
And we finally watched a movie called Secretariat. My girls are horse buffs and we all loved this movie. You should have seen us cheering during one of the race scenes. I think we woke up our neighbors. :-)

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Valentine weekend.


  1. Beautiful card, Nina! Love the bright colors and pretty patterns of these new papers! Looks like a yummy Valentine's dinner! The heart-shaped burgers are so sweet!

  2. the dinner....Your card is spectacular...the papers are wonderful teamed up with the Craftbrulee goodness!

  3. love the pink paislee and that cute burger!

  4. LOVE the card!
    How SWEET is he!!!! husband doesn't have a romantic bone in his body! lol I'm lucky if he remembers my birthday!
    I'm hungry!

  5. Hello Nina - I am loving your new product - gorgeous colours and love the DP!! God bless your DH your dinner looks lovely - heart skaped burgers - how adorable!! Have a great day Nina! {{{hugs}}}

  6. The card is darling, the bright colors make me think spring is near...No? Oh well it's a great card and a great thought.
    Now for the mushrooms...OMG yummy looking! And I love sautéed mushrooms for a great burger! My mouth is watering!

  7. Beautiful card! Love the colors! That meal looks just perfect! How lovely!...Nancy :o)

  8. awwww..... that heart burger is soooooo sweet!! thanks for sharing! now i have to show it to hubby.... =) this is so wrong! you are teasing me with the new goodies already! =) beautiful card as always. love it! hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Adorable card and yummy looking dinner!

  10. Heart burgers - such a sweetheart to make those for you.

  11. hello! I am new to your blog so I wanted to say hi! You have beautiful crafty items here! Anyway, I am Croatian-American who is calling Italy her home; I hope you're enjoyig Croatia!

  12. Nina, you card is LOVELY! Such GLORIOUS color - oh, my! This was SUCH a fun composition to work with and your FINE sample certainly helped juice it UP! Yipeeeee!

    Meanwhile, your VALENTINE'S meal looks truly scrumptious! I came for the great card craft but I'm leaving with a hankering for SWEET POTATO FRIES! {My FAVE!}

  13. What a sweet card Nina! Love the new Pink Paislee DP and the Spellbinders doily :) Thanks for the inspiration :)


Thank you for your kind comments.