
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Layers of Color's Nina B Designs Release Hop

Thank you for joining us today for the Layers of Color's release of my former Angel Company stamps.
 After TAC closed, I received so many emails inquiring about my designs. I was disappointed when TAC didn't work out, but was encouraged by the response to my stamps there. Even better, I met several new friends who were TAC fans, so not all is lost...not at all! And now some of these TAC stamps can be purchased through Layers of Color. And because the plates are different between two companies (LOC's are bigger), I have added new images to the set that complement the others in each set. It's great to have a second chance at designing the same sets :). I hope you will like them, too.

I have a few photos to share with you today. My first card uses Dotted Dahlias, which was colored with Copics, as the main focal point. I also used the Fairy Wishes set as a background. The sentiment is from the Beautiful Lace set.
Here is the close up of the dahlia. I had so much fun coloring this.

My second card is a little more involved than my usual cards, but I had so much fun putting it together. The butterfly is from Fairy Wishes set. The word "Mom" is from the Sweet Silhouettes set and the "i love you" is from The Love Chapter set.

I also found some burlap fabric to play with and die cut that using Spellbinders Heart Nestabilities. The birdcage is also die cut (links below). The papers are Webster's Pages and the bling is from Want2Scrap.
As with any LOC hop, we also have giveaways! Leave a comment here on this post and tell me which of my new sets do you like the most. I will pick a winner who will receive that set for free. You have till midnight tonight to enter. The winner will be announced tomorrow! I also have a referral contest going on now in my Nina B Designs Facebook page. Refer your friends to like it and I will pick a random winner who, along with his/her referrer, will win one of my LOC Christmas stamps.

 Make sure you stop by the Layers of Color blog for another chance for a giveaway! And here are the DTs' blogs for more inspiration:

 Diana Queen * Janice Whiting Jennie Harper * Jessica Fick  * Keri Lee Sereika * Linda Lucas  * Melisa Waldorf * Nina Brackett (you are here!) * Savannah O’Gwynn


  1. Oh dear how to choose!! I like the silhouettes but to suit my card style I would choose Beautiful Lace!! I'm seeing hand-stamped backgrounds, paper piecing with these!!

  2. Yippee! I'm so proud of you, Nina! Stunning art stamps!! And I'm so very blessed by your talents and your friendship!

    Marvelous layers of color, texture and beautiful images, Nina...gorgeous cards...they get richer with every one!

    Happy Blog Hopping Hugs!

  3. That is a very hard decision because they are all beautiful. But I think Dotted Dahlia won out - beautiful images. Congratulations Nina.

  4. Love the dahlia, peony, and beautiful lace stamps.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  5. Gorgeous designs, Congratulations on this fabulous release Nina! I think beautiful lace is my fave but they are all so pretty.Sarah

  6. You have released wonderful stamp is hard to choose one...but I will go for Beautiful Lace clear art stamp set ... I love it. And love your cards also!

  7. Great cards! Love the Silhouette set but I like the verses in the Dahlia set.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  8. Your cards are amazing! As for the set I like most, this is a bit of a challenge. For the moment I'm leaning towards the Fairy Wishes. Thanks for amazing inspiration and a chance to win!

  9. Absolutely stunning cards Nina! So excited for you and this release that He brought about...blessings to you my friend.

  10. It so cool that you can continue with some of you earlier stamps.
    Love your Dahlias especially - it's my fav flower in the garden.
    Gorgeous cards A's always.

  11. Your cards are gorgeous. Love the sets, my favorite may be the Beautiful Lace, love it!

  12. Beautiful cards, Nina! The entire hop has been filled with stunning creations featuring your stamps! So difficult to choose a favorite when they are all so fabulous -- but since that's what you've requested, I'd have to say Fairy Wishes!

  13. They are all drop dead gorgeous!!Since we have to choose one, I would have to say, Beautiful Lace collection.

  14. Such gorgeous work, Nina! Incredible stamps...congratulations to you! Such a tough decision but I'd have to say that Beautiful Lace would be my #1 pick! Thanks so much!...Nancy :o)

  15. All your new stamps are awesome! Love the scripture and images of all of them. But my favorite images are the buterflies in Fairy Wishes.

  16. Oh my goodness Nina! Once again you have blown me away! I love every one of these images and the die cuts too! To pick just one, that will be difficult, there are elements from each that I especially love. So, since I want all of them, I will just tell you which one I need first :) Beautiful Lace - absolutely love the images from this set! Thanks for the chance to win!

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  17. Love your new line! And these cards are just beautiful! The second is my favorite. So many lovely touches - especially the burlap heart!

  18. Like many, your designs are hard to choose from when it comes to favorites! The designs are so wonderful that you are asking the impossible! LOL!!

    The Fairy Wishes stood out as I love silhouettes and it reminds me of the fairy tale books I read as a child.

  19. All of your designs and artwork are stunning Nina! Congrats on this beautiful release! My favorite is the Dotted Dahlias. I love the flower and the sentiments go perfectly!

  20. Nina, you have done an excellent job! These new stamps and dies are literally to die for! God has certainly blessed you with some wonderful talent, and you are diligent in sharing! Your cards are beautiful as well, but with such wonderful stamps, how can they not be?! I am not sure, but I think the dotted dahlia is my favorite. But it is a close runner with three others. Fantastic job, Thanks!

  21. I am so glad that LOC is going the carry these wonderful images. I love your cards you made for the hop. I especially love the one with the burlap heart. Makes me want to go find some burlap!! :) I hope you are having a wonderful blessed day!!

  22. all your work is AMAZING!!! love your beautiful lace AND fairy wishes!

  23. Nina, you have the most beautiful sense of style, and that really translates to your stamps and creations. Thank you for the eye candy!

  24. PS - I love the Beautiful Lace set. It's heavenly!

  25. How hard to pick just one set because they are ALL so beautiful but I would have to say the Beautiful Lace is my favorite. thanks for a chance to win!!

  26. Ooooh they're all SO beautiful! What a talent! If I won I would LOVE the dotted dahlia set. :)

  27. I have to say that these new releases are simply gorgeous!! Beautiful Lace is my favorite, but they are all very sweet!! Your designs are elegant and I can see lots of projects in my mind with their use!! Thank You for a wonderful release!!

  28. Nina - these are beautiful cards and your new images are breathtaking!! Look at you and your career taking off!! WTG!

  29. your cards are so gorgeous - love the details - you are so inspiring - hard to pic a fav set...but "just" in case I win - will chose the Silhouette set ...wonderful release (-:

  30. GORGEOUS creations Nina! I'm so excited that these are available again and am loving some of the new images you have added! Would love to own the Sweet Silhouettes I've purchased several already through TAC and am excited because I'm teaching a class Friday and were using Beautiful Lace so I have sent all the ladies links to LOC...

  31. I'm in love with these images Nina! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us. Gorgeous cards!

  32. I love your style so much so I am very happy to see these wonderful new stamp sets by you. Wonderful examples too.

  33. The sets are so beautiful! I'm thankful the Lord provided a "second chance" and that they are now once again available, plus!! Beautiful work and your cards are exquisite!! Love that bit of burlap with the lace and girlie details! Blessings!

  34. Oh, Nina! Isn't it wonderful the way God has answers all figured out? What a blessing to so many, you being top on the list, that LOC is now an outlet for your designs. Congratulations on this new venture!
    And the cards you made! Wow! I really, really like the Mom card. Beautiful job!

  35. So thrilled that L. O. C. has picked up your "Angel" stamps. I did manage to get some before TAC closed but still had a few more I wanted. Now I hope to get them! Dotted Dahlias is still on my want list! I'll be in a blog hop on Sat. using a TAC set of yours.

  36. First of all your cards are pieces of AMAZING art! Thank you for your inspiration. Second of all, I am a HUGE fan of your stamps! I am and always will wear TAC wings. I am so blessed to have gotten to know you through TAC. Nothing lost, in fact I feel I have gained a new friend. Third, I must go spend some money {don't tell my hubs}! My favorite set is Fairy Wishes. Be sure to visit the TAC chicks blogs this weekend when we feature our friend NinaB!

  37. Oh Nina these are fabulous - love the card with the burlap on the most of these two fabulous cards.
    I think the stamp set I like the most is Sweet Silhouettes - it is soooo hard to choose.

  38. So glad you brought back these lovely sets, and they're even better now!

  39. WOW! You have knocked me out of my seat (again)!!!!! I love your stamps that we shared today---amazing! I am in love with that dress form and that butterfly set! WOW--you showcased them well!! Beautiful layers and I love how you stamped the sentiment on your second card! LOVE the texture--I just love everything about your cards, Nina!! You are SUPER AMAZZZZZZZZZZZING!

  40. Nina, what a fantastic job you've done. Not only designing these fantastic sets - but your cards are truly stunning! I think the Beautiful Lace is my favorite - but really love them all!

  41. I forgot to include my favorite set. . .well, I didn't forget. . .it took me this long to decide! Beautiful Lace, by a whisker!

  42. Hello Nina - what beautiful card and such divine omages! It is an honour to be able to create with your inspired designs Nina - what a blessing you and your creative gifts are to all of us! God bless you my friend - thank you - on so-o-o many levels! {{{hugs}}}

  43. Fairy Wishes is the set for me. I love my Nina B stamps...and wish I had that one! Great cards! :)

  44. Beautiful Lace is so gorgeous! I was so sad I did not get to order this myself when I was a TAC angel. So happy your stamps are for sale again - LOVE your style!

  45. I love your new stamp sets and your cards are Gorgeous!

  46. Simply one word....Gorgeous. I love the silhouette and the beautiful lace stamp sets. I like them all, but those two stick out to me.

  47. Beautiful new stamps, Nina! The collage is simply blowing me away! And the lace doilies are so very romantic and sweet.

  48. I'm so glad that the art work you did for TAC is living on! Although I love all of your designs, I've always loved Fairy Wishes so will have to pick it today.

  49. Really happy that your stamps are now available from LOC. My fave set is the Dotted Dahlias. Beautiful cards, Nina!!

  50. Beautiful cards! Really enjoyed visiting & viewing your creations with your new stamp sets. I really require sentiment stamps. So my top favorites would be "Sent with Love" followed by "Sentimental Banners"

  51. such beautiful cards--wonderful stamps, nina!

  52. Nina your work is divine....your cards are have such a lot going on on them, but they just shine....I love all the layers and different textures. Just amazing!! Tried to comment this morning (Aussie time) but you guys weren't all up now is the first chance to get back to you.....10.30pm Aussie time!! LOL!!

  53. Nina, that second card is to die for--just love all the romance in it!!! Talented, talented, talented!

  54. Nina, Thank you so much for sharing your artistry through the stamp images you draw and the cards you inspire us with. These are so beautiful and the layering is perfect! ;D


Thank you for your kind comments.