
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Many Thanks, Some Exciting news and a Giveaway!

I am thrilled to share my new exciting news with you today...First, I have been asked to join the Want2Scrap Design Team! If you've been a regular visitor to my blog, you know that I love their products. I have always loved pearls and bling, but used them sparingly because they're pretty pricey.

That is, until I discovered Want2Scrap because their bling is so reasonably priced, especially when they have the 99cent sale (which is going on now!). Another reason I love Want2Scrap is because they make the Nestabling and Nestaboard, bling and chipboard that coordinate with Spellbinders products! They're a perfect match and I'm a happy crafter that I get to work with both companies.Speaking of Spellbinders, have you seen all the newly released products yet? They are fabulous! They have also posted a little blurb about me on the site HERE.

Today's card then uses both of these companies' products.I used my Home Sweet Home and Sewing Elements dies (shipping at the end of February!), along with Labels 10. The frame is stamped from Layers of Color's Elegant Labels. The little heart pearl is by Want2Scrap, papers by Webster's Pages and sentiment by SRM stickers.
Many Thanks Fancies
I die cut and embossed the wings and dress forms, then inked with white craft just the embossed top part to make them stand out. I'm entering this to the Moxie Fab's Die Cutting and Embossing & Debossing Challenges.
Many Thanks Fancies details
Now, to celebrate my exciting news and also for hitting the 400K hits a few weeks ago, along with 800 followers and 1400+ Email Subscribers, please comment to win the following:
It includes Layers of Color's stamps, Spellbinders Edgeabilities and some of my favorite Want2Scrap bling. Leave me a comment below and share your favorite embellishment. Also, if you share this giveaway on your blog sidebar (use photo below) or Facebook with a link to this post, you can leave another comment to double your chances. I will announce the winner on Tuesday!
And if you're on Facebook, please consider liking my NinaB Designs page. I have plans for another giveaway there soon that includes more stamps and more bling!


  1. Congrats, Nina on joining the Want2Scrap Design Team! They are so lucky to have you.

  2. Congratulations Nina on all of those amazing achievements - but we are not surprised by any of them! I have a humber of favourite embellishments but I would have to say that pearls are pretty high - LOVE them!!! God bless you my friend! {{{hugs}}}

  3. Congrats! Fab card, and great candy, thanks for the chance. Hugs,moni

  4. great cards ,well done on joining Want2Scrap DT .Melanie

  5. Congrats! My favorite embellishment is ribbon. Thanks for the chance!

  6. Congrats!!!!!! How exciting! such a sweet that heart...I'm a huge fan of pearls.

  7. Congrats. My favorite embellishment is pearls.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  8. Congratulations Nina
    My favorite embellishment is ribbon

  9. Congrats on the the great news, I can't wait to see what your create, i love bling and love how you use it

  10. Hi my dear.


    I loved your card. It is so cute.

    I love pearls and stamps.Thanks for the chance to win.

    Val Rodrigues

  11. I am back!!!

    I have shared this link on my blog (sidebar)

    Val Rodrigues


  12. What a wonderful card! Love the dress form! My favorite embellishment is definitely bling! Can never get enough! :) Thanks so much for the inspiration AND the chance to win!

  13. Congratulations! I love to use gems and ribbon on my card projects!

  14. Congratulation on the new design team post. Love the colours used in your card. I love glitter glues & glossy accents :)

  15. Love the card. You've got a very nice mix of products and they go great together! I love all kinds of bling, especially the flourishes. :)

  16. Congrats on joining the Want2Scrap team, Nina! You've got lots of exciting things going on! Gorgeous card with a wonderful mix of products! My favorite embellishment is bling flourishes! I love them! Off to post your giveaway on my blog!

  17. I've posted your giveaway on my blog, Nina! Oh, forgot to mention, congrats on your blog milestones, too!

  18. Wow what a fun thing to be a part of you must be thrilled! So fun following all of your adventures. God is truely blessing you!

  19. What an exciting opportunity! They are so lucky to have your talents on their design team! And your card creation is just so very lovely! My favorite embellishment is adding a row of pearls (3 or 5) somewhere on most of my card creations. Just love what a little bling can do for a card! Thanks for a chance to win some really great products!

  20. I've also added your fantastic news and giveaway to my side bar on my blog here:

    Again, congrats!!

  21. How exciting for you! Congratulations! Can't wait to see your new designs!

  22. Congratulations to you on the design team, hits, and followers!!! And GORGEOUS card!!! LOVE all the details!!!

  23. Beautiful, as always! Congrats on the new DT position too!! : )

  24. Girl, how do you ever keep it all straight?? I forgot my Ladies Bible Study group this morning because it wasn't written down on the calendar! Congrats on all your accomplishments and thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  25. Congrats to you Nina on the new DT spot! I just got my first order...yea, I am always late to jump on the bandwagons, lol! And I am loving them! Got to get more ordered with the sale!

    I need to hit the lottery so I can buy all of your stamps now, lol!

  26. Congrats! What exciting news! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Congrats! What exciting news! Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Congratulations (again). You are one busy lady with your talents. Love the package of goodies. Thanks for the chance.

  29. Congrats on your new DT position. I just love your gorgeous card. I love the rhinestone flowers. Thanks for a chance.

  30. I've added the picture to my sidebar.

  31. Nina, I am so happy for you, you deserve it so much!!:)

  32. Lovely card! Congrats on the blog popularity also, and your DT position! Sounds like you keep plenty busy!
    I love ribbon as an embellishment on my cards!

  33. absolutely lovely card... I love the new wings and I can;t wait to get them.. I support Alzheimer's research in support of my father and would love to make this years invitations using them to soar for a cause... Love the bling and would love to win... I too, love that spellbinders and want2 scrap coordinate... Love your designs...

  34. Congrats on the dt! My fav embelly? that is hard- I love flowers, ribbon and sparkle! Thanks for the opp!

  35. I shared on my blog and on my personal FB...

  36. Congrats on making the design team- I can't wait to see more of your beautiful creations. My fav embellishment is the bling!

  37. What wonderful news, congratulations and all the best and working with 2 great companies is such a bonus. I love you work and cant wait to see what you design

  38. YAY Nina! CONGRATS!
    My fave embellishment is RIBBON!!!!!!!! Love bling, too!

  39. Wow! You certainly are a busy lady! Congratulations! Love you new edgeabilities! It makes beautiful edges so simple!

  40. What great elements on your card, love when companies make things that go together!! My favorite go-to embellishment right now is probably baker's twine. Looks great on most every card!

  41. Beautiful card! I love pearls as an embellishment on almost any card.

  42. Congrats! I love to put paper flowers and anything shiny on my crafts!

  43. Congrats, Nina! Your career has taken off like a rocket! It comes of honoring God in all you do. Love all your designs.

  44. Okay! I provided a link on my FB page. I sure would love to win your blog candy.

  45. Wow! Congrats on good news! My favorite embellishments are bling of all colors! Thanks for a chance to win!

  46. Shared it on my blog:

  47. So excited to hear your news, Nina! Congrats. Love all your creations!

  48. This is a tough one but I think I'd have to say my favorite embellishment is some sort of bling, usually rhinestones with pearls as a close second.

  49. Congrats! I always love seeing your creations!

  50. Congratulations Nina on your achievement! Thanks for tha chance to win.

  51. Congrats on the new DT work at Want2Scrap, and the card is beautiful!! Love it!

  52. Hi Nina - I have linked your candy on my blog.
    I love bling and pearls on my cards, but like you I use sparingly because of cost! :-)

  53. Beautiful artwork! Congrats on becoming a dt member of W2S! They know talent when they see it! My favorite embellishment is bling!

  54. First, what happened to your Elegant Labels 10 stamps? When I go to LOC it says "cannot be found"? Where can I purchase them? thanks.

    My fave embellishment are embossing folders. There are so many different techniques you can use to adorn your papers.

    1. Hi, Suqieq23, it's not available through LOC anymore, but it may be released by another company soon. I will update my blog when it becomes available. Thank you for your interest

  55. Congrats!

    My favorite embellies are bling, pearls, flowers, and butterflies.

  56. Congrats, Nina!! So very happy for you!! You certainly have such wonderful, great things going on this year. I can't wait to see what's in store, although I may not always be up to date with my reader ;) {hugs}
    Thanks for the chance to win such fab prizes! My fave embellishments would be twines/ribbon, buttons and pearls.

  57. What a fun and fabulous prize giveaway...
    I love bling: gems, pearls, flowers, buttons, etc.!
    I "Like" you on Facebook. ( Cindi Hoppes )
    Many thanks, Cindi

  58. Congrats, it's great news. Congrats also for all your followers. My favorite embellishment is flowers. I could put them everywhere. Thanks for the chance, Johanne L. (

  59. "Facebook Post!"
    Again, many thanks...

  60. Ribbon is my favorite embellishment.

  61. Congratulations Nina! My favorite emblishment would have to be pearls. Looking forward to your creations!

  62. Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

  63. Congrats Nina. My fave embellishment would have to be rhinestones at the moment. I used a lot of them in Christmas cards. I also love paper flowers but haven't used any for a while.

  64. I have shared on FB and a so glad for you!God bless!

  65. Your creations are so beautiful! It is no wonder you have so many people following you. rlovew1976 at

  66. I ADORE pearls, and use them on nearly every card. :) Thank goodness I can find packs of them for $1 at AC Moore craft store!

    Thanks for offering blog candy, Nina, and congrats on your new DT assignment. :)

  67. I use lots of pearls and gems on my cards! I love your projects and own some of your stamps through TAC and Layers Of Colors! I also shared your post on FB.

  68. So happy for you! I love your designs, they are the bestest!

  69. Another beautiful card. Such a talented lady. I am a pearl and ribbon girl.

  70. Oh, love the joyous colors and great new dies, Nina!
    Congratulations on your new design team job...what fun!

  71. Hi Nina! Just stopping by to say hi. Congrats to you!! They are blessed to have you. The new dies are fabulous. I hope you and your family are doing well!

  72. Congrats Nina. Love your card. Thanks for sharing this sweet candy too.

  73. Congratulations Nina!! How exciting! My fav embellishment is crinkle ribbon and rhinestones!! Yum!

  74. Congratulations! Glad things are going well for you! Your card is amazing and thanks for sharing some goodies.....

  75. What terrific news about the new DT job and their bling is tops.One of my favorites embellishments is flowers.

  76. Big congrats on the new DT position!! They are lucky to have you! My favorite embellishment would be pearls. Thank you for the chance to win!

  77. Congrats on your great news!! Two great companies, and I love your new dies!! I think that dies are my favorite embellies: you can do so much with them!!

  78. Congrats! Fab card, and great candy,

  79. A good soul like you deserves all these blessings. Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

  80. Shared about the giveaway on my blog sidebar.

  81. Congratulations, Nina - a collaboration that we'll all enjoy! Love your card!

  82. a big congrats!!
    i love using BLING!

  83. Wonderful card! Congrats for the new position, and I just adore bling :) Pearls to start with and then it goes on from there lol.

  84. Congratulations Nina on your DT post, cant wait to see your new creations.

  85. Congrats on your designer team position!! I LOVE your blog and the way you create! Great card!

  86. Congrats on the good news! Love the all the new Spellbinders - I want it all!

  87. Congratulations on this new design team opportunity Nina -- they are sooo lucky to be getting you. I love all the pearls and bling too and agree that it can be pricey. Thanks for passing along the sale information and for sharing your wonderful cards.

  88. Congrats Nina on the DT!!!
    I love your cards!!!
    Thank you for the chance to win!!!
    I love very much flowers!!!

  89. Congrats on the DT spot. Thanks for hosting this nice give-away. I'm a flower girl.

  90. Congratulations on becoming a DT member, thanks for the chance to win, don't have much craft goodies yet, but here's hoping!

  91. wow! good for you! :)
    i'm a follower of your blog...and i'd love a chance at your fabulous giveaway. thanks so much! :)

  92. just wanted to let you know that i've also posted about it on my blog sidebar for an extra entry. :)

    hugs, divinity :)

  93. Congratulations on your new DT position!! I'm a new follower and wow, your work is amazing!! I'm very happy I found your blog!! I love adding pearls, crystals and ribbon to my cards!! Thanks so much for the chance to win :)


  94. I added your giveaway to my sidebar!! Thanks again for the chance to win :)


  95. Congrats on becoming the new DT at Want2Scrap. You deserve it your work is wonderful. Love your card, beautiful design. I'm a new follower.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  96. I've also linked your wonderful giveaway to my blog sidebar, Thanks for the wonderful chances.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  97. Lovely card, Nina!!!!! Your design skills never cease to amaze me. Thanks for offering this yummy candy - love it all!!! Hugs, Sharon :o)

  98. This is fantastic!! I love your cards but I love your Christian heart above all. You are truly an inspiration to me and through that I have started my card ministry at church. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  99. wow, fantastic card and great news about your new DT position Nina! I think lace is probably my favourite embellishment - old or new - but especially love using lace which has been in my family for a while and handed down from my Granny to my mum and then onto me :)

  100. Great idea for a quick but unique valentine card! As always so inspirational! Thanks Nina.

  101. Congratulations Nina...more wonderful news! You are such a talented person and an inspiration to others. These days more favorite embellishment would be gemstones.

  102. Congrats Nina on the DT!!!I love your cards!! I love using bling and ribbon on my cards...
    Thank you for the chance to win!!!

  103. I linked ur giveaway on my blog sidebar...thanks for being so generous

  104. Beautiful card and congrats on being on the DT. My favorite embellishment is ribbon or twine followed by pearls.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  105. You do beautiful cards!! Thank you for all you inspire in all of us!

  106. CONGRATULATIONS! & Gorgeous card!

  107. Nina, it doesn't surprise me at all that all these companies want you on their team! You are so full of energy and ideas and you always put the best of any company forward :) Congrats my friend! Beautiful card, I just love that dress form. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  108. Hey Nina! Thanks again for linking up to the Die Cutting Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)


Thank you for your kind comments.