
Friday, January 21, 2011

Stamp TV Color Spotlight

TGIF, even though my work doesn't really change as a stay at home mom :-). This weekend, however, is a little busier than usual for me. I'm leaving for CHA on Wednesday and I have a long to-do list until then! This is my first solo trip in a long time, so I'm a little sad. But, I look forward to seeing my parents and so many of my blogging friends in the paper crafting community there. If you will be at CHA, please stop by the Spellbinders booth, where I will be working. I'd love to meet you!

Today's card is for StampTV's Color Spotlight Challenge. I used my Gleefully Yours set with Webster's Pages pages. And my new favorite embellishment, the artisan frames by Pink Paislee. I inked it with Vivid Aqua to show the details. The cardstocks are Turquoise Sea and Chocolate Brown.
Heart SingAlign Center
On another note, one of my cards is being featured in the Moxie Fab blog today. Thanks, Cath! If you want more info about the card, you can go to THIS SPECIAL POST. Enjoy the weekend, everyone!


  1. Beautiful card, Nina! I love that frame! Congrats on being featured on MFW! Have a wonderful trip to CHA!

  2. I so wish I was going to CHA! I think I'd have more fun visiting with people than looking at crafts! Have a safe trip, sweetie! Love your card - what gorgeous colors you used! That is a beautiful combination - striking! All righty girl, be safe, have fun, and don't 'work' too hard!!! Hugs!

  3. How wonderful that you are heading to CHA! Travel Safe and enjoy!! I love this card--perfect sentiment, color combo and elements. LOVE it to bits!

  4. Oh Nina this is just beautiful. Congrats on the Moxie Fab spot. I left you some love over there too.

  5. Ooooh, Love what you did with the artisan frames! Travel safe! Wish I was going this time...


Thank you for your kind comments.