Thursday, May 7, 2009

Christian Paper Crafts Magazine and another Design venture

The siggys below are just a sampling. Please go to the GALLERY for more choices. Thanks.

I just want you all to know that the new Christian Paper Crafts Magazine forum is now open. I have been enjoying my time there, getting to know fellow sisters in the Lord in the paper crafting community. They have challenges and Bible study notes, and lots of other fun things. Go check it out!

Through some ladies' encouragement from that forum, I decided to offer some designs for forum and blog signatures. I am taking donations only (the Paypal donate button is on my left sidebar) for this and the proceeds will go toward our church here in Croatia. In the past, my design earnings have paid for specific needs for our women's ministry (paying for notebooks and other supplies for a Women's Conference). This time, I just found out that we need to reprint a tract called "Search for Joy" by John Piper. You can find the link in our church's website of the tract ("Potraga za srecom" in Croatian).

Here are some sample designs I offer, but will be adding more later. You can find the gallery here. These initial images are more for forum signatures, but I can easily reformat to be used as blog signatures and even business card designs.

Please email me at knbrackett at yahoo dot com if you are interested. Thanks and have a super creative day.

In some of these designs, I used brushes from Graphics Illustrations and Parelodemoi.

post signature


  1. These are really great! We are in a place where we cannot be very public about such things, but these are very much the things of our hearts! We ask that one day there will be freedom for all to be open in their beliefs!

  2. love the 2nd and 3rd one the best, keep rockin! :)

  3. Nina;
    What an awesome job you are doing! Keep up the good work for the Lord! Your designs are beautiful.

  4. Nina,
    I love the one with the birdie, How do I get one of these?

  5. Allo Nina ,excuse my english i just whant to no where i can fond a Peacock stamp i love your card with a Peacock on it ...
    Please and thank you .


Thank you for your kind comments.

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